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For your tranquility, success and happiness
For your digital commerce and international business
Our job has always been to connect businesses with their audience in the right place at the right time. Today, we are determined to meet the consumer where he spends most of his time by using social media, search engine optimization and other digital tools that can boost the visibility of your business.
Additionally, you can tailor your marketing campaign to specific customer demographics to make your campaigns more effective and profitable. Our agency’s data analysis can also help you track your results and determine what works best for your business. We can thus give you a clearer idea of what your customers expect from your company.
In our time, it is essential and even indispensable to learn how to implement digital marketing. The internet is where most people learn about and interact with brands and businesses. A well-designed digital marketing strategy is therefore essential for a company to reach more potential customers. It’s a great way to hypertarget ads and build customer loyalty. There are various tools and platforms used for digital advertising. However, you need to know how to implement them to get the most benefit from them.
The best marketers know how to precisely link each type of content and tactic to strategic objectives. Here are the most popular forms of content and tactics.
The key elements of digital marketing are like: Website, Blog posts, E-books, Infographics, Podcasts, Social networks, Web brochures, Branding elements (logo, fonts, etc.)
But we are for the more advanced and developed digital marketing of the practical types of online business, we are rather thinking about the future: digital marketing in the digital age…
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital marketing technique that consists of optimizing a website to make it more visible and better positioned on the results of search engines like Google. The objective is to attract qualified traffic to the site using techniques and strategies that allow you to better position yourself on the keywords relevant to the company’s activity. This technique involves in particular the optimization of content, the use of relevant keywords, the construction of quality external links and the adaptation to the requirements of search engines in terms of structure and quality of a site. SEO is a key area in digital marketing because it helps drive organic traffic and increase a website’s visibility over the long term.
Negomédias offers you SEO referencing, so that it is your most profitable lever for online business.
With our SEO Agency, you can direct your SEO strategy well and professionalize it. This is the guarantee of working with an experienced team, while benefiting from an SEO platform to manage and monitor your performance. Let’s work together and talk about your needs and ambitions to establish a successful SEO strategy.
The investment in SEO is fairly quickly amortized by the gain in quotes and orders. For the good and simple reason that a solid SEO will allow you to be less dependent on SEA (paid advertising by sponsored links such as Google Ads for example) and thus make your marketing actions more profitable in the broad sense.
We have many paid tools but also our SEO platform to support our clients and monitor their results according to the desired conversion rate.
Search engines are the main gateway to your digital communication. Before you can seduce your prospects you must convince them by answering the search queries they run on Google or Bing.
As such, you have to understand their research approach, position yourself on key queries, but also be able to be well understood by the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) in order to be well referenced.
With Negomedias, we talk first and foremost about your business, and then about technique: each service begins with an in-depth exchange phase in order to better understand your activity, your means and your objectives.
According to our expertise, an effective strategy is rather an SEO strategy tailored to your situation! The exchange will therefore be at the heart of our services.
Once the project is framed, the analysis of the existing can begin: it will often be a complete audit of your website on the three key criteria of SEO: technical, editorial and netlinking.
We will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your site as well as its adequacy with the requirements of Google.
Following this audit, our SEO experts will send you an SEO recommendation plan that details all the elements to adjust, correct or deploy in order to optimize the natural referencing of your site.
To work on the editorialization of your site, the experts of our SEO agency are available: we can write unique and optimized content to be published on your site after validation by you, often accompanied by enrichments of existing pages in order to increase their visibility.
Conversely, if you have extensive business expertise and prefer to internalize content writing, we can send you writing frameworks that present all the best practices to follow.
At the same time, we also optimize the netlinking of your site through publications on our networks of partner sites and we support you if necessary in enriching your netlinking profile.
At the end of each month, we report on your SEO progress by observing all the relevant KPIs for your website: SEO traffic, commercial performance induced by organic results, evolution of your visibility on your key expressions but also on result pages as a whole, monitoring of your netlinking profile or even the good crawl of your site…
As you will have understood, all the key aspects for your natural referencing are rigorously monitored and documented in a report that you can debrief with your dedicated SEO consultant. From this reporting and the exchange it generates, we define together the next steps of the service to always seek a higher performance of your site on the Google result pages.